Reasons why we love chocolate

Por esto amamos el chocolate

Let's be honest, who doesn't love chocolate? It is a food that shines thanks to its unique and different flavor, and that can be used in many desserts such as cakes, cookies, ice cream, smoothies... and many more!

We sometimes worry if eating chocolate will have negative consequences in our body. Don't worry! We have excellent news for you: apart from being delicious, it also brings us multiple benefits. Next, we will show you the greatest benefits that chocolate gives to your body:

Prevents heart disease: different studies have found that consuming chocolate at least three times a week will help prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease and even heart attacks. This thanks to the fact that it contains flavonoid antioxidants, which prevent the lodging of cholesterol in the blood.

Prevents diabetes: eating a bar of dark chocolate daily for 15 days decreases insulin resistance by almost half.

He beautifies the skin: without a doubt, many of us want to always show off a beautiful face. Chocolate is a great option to achieve this, since it is a food rich in flavonoids, antioxidants that protect against damage caused by pollution or the sun.

It speeds up the mind: its components have the power to improve memory and help stop the mental deterioration that occurs over the years. So now you know, if you are a person who has a hard time remembering things, add a chocolate bar to your diet.

It lifts our spirits: there are times when our mood is not the best, but we have a big party or an important event to attend. For these moments, chocolate will be your best ally, because thanks to different studies (such as the one published by the Netherlands Journal of Medicine), it was found that consuming it in the morning will considerably reduce the level of hormones that cause stress and anxiety.

There are too many advantages of consuming chocolate, not only is it a food full of exquisite flavor, it also becomes our best ally thanks to its elements that provide great benefits to our body and mind. If you are one of those women who cannot resist a bar of this delicious food, you already have one more excuse to consume it.