Without a doubt, growing up gives you great teachings and experiences that will last a lifetime. We want you to continue building great memories, but always showing off that beautiful skin that characterizes you; Therefore, we bring you some tips so that age is just that, a number, and that it does not prevent you from conquering the world with your beauty.
- Beware of ultraviolet rays: the face is the most delicate area, so constantly exposing ourselves to the sun is not as beneficial as we think. Exposure to ultraviolet rays in excess can cause the appearance of spots and wrinkles. That is why it is important that we take care of our face before leaving home with sunscreen that helps reduce the effects of the sun. It will also be important to wear sunglasses when the day is very sunny.
- Hyaluronic acid: it is a natural compound that helps to return to our face that luminosity and firmness that makes us look even more radiant. Currently you can find it in different products such as cosmetic creams or serums. Find the one that best suits your skincare routine and skin type.
- Wash your face constantly: it is a reality that the skin is affected by environmental pollution; One way to remove all the dirt from our face is to wash it daily, at least twice a day – morning and night – with a neutral or special soap for our skin type.
- Use moisturizing creams: it is normal for our skin to dry out due to different circumstances such as climate change or environmental pollution. Therefore, it is important that we use moisturizing creams at the beginning of the day and before going to sleep.
- Sleep at least seven hours: sleep is a fundamental part for our face to look revitalized throughout the day. It will help us to make wrinkles and dark circles disappear, because sleeping helps the skin to regenerate in a better way.
- Avoid smoking: it is a fact that the skin is seriously affected when we smoke, since it does not allow the face to oxygenate and causes the skin to dry out.
- Exercise: the skin requires different stimuli to continue working and not age rapidly; A great method to achieve this is exercise, because when we exercise, we eliminate the toxic substances that damage our appearance.